Directed by William Wyler Documentary

Streisand / Movies

Directed by William Wyler

Opened 1986
  • Credits

    • Produced by Catherine Wyler, Catherine Tatge
    • Cinematography by Richard Leacock
    • Edited by Aviva Slesin, Mark Weingarten
    • Interviewer: A. Scott Berg
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“I wanted to please him. I wanted him to like it. I wanted him to like me.” 

William Wyler directed Barbra Streisand in her first movie and she ended up winning the Academy Award for Best Actress.  Before Funny Girl , Wyler had directed many American classic films: Mrs. Miniver, The Best Years of Our Lives, Ben-Hur, Wuthering Heights (1939), and Jezebel.

Directed by William Wyler was a Valentine to the talented director conceived by his daughter, Catherine. The documentary included an interview that Wyler gave in 1981, three days before he died.

Utilizing film clips and filmed interviews, the documentary explored Wyler’s career. Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, John Huston, and Laurence Olivier were also interviewed.

For Streisand fans, the documentary is notable for a longer, deleted version of the “Swan Lake” number in Funny Girl .

Directed by William Wyler was included as a bonus feature on the 2024 Criterion release of the 4K Funny Girl.

End / Directed by William Wyler
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