This concert was a political fundraiser for Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern’s campaign. He was running against the Republican incumbent, President Richard Nixon with a platform that appealed to many Americans: withdrawal from the Vietnam war; reduction in defense spending; and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Actor Warren Beatty, a passionate supporter of George McGovern, masterminded the entire concert and convinced Streisand to perform; Lou Adler produced the show.
“Since the arts have the ability to raise funds and at times I can organize well, I did it,” Beatty told the press “It's a whole group of artists, independent and intelligent people, getting together on the same bill behind McGovern, the man with the immaculate slate. I'm not saying people like Carole King, Quincy Jones or Barbra Streisand couldn't sell out a concert like this on their own, but having them together is why we know we'll sell out.”
At this time, too, Streisand had been pursuing Beatty to play Hubble Gardner in The Way We Were. The picture would begin filming in September 1972.
“I wasn't doing live performances then, but Warren is very persuasive and impressive, as a matter of fact,” Streisand recalled in 2008 at Warren Beatty's American Film Institute salute. “He masterminded everything from the invitations to getting famous people to be ushers ... After all the insecurity and stage fright, I was really glad that Warren made me perform because it was for a man I truly admire.”
Pictured: Barbra and her manager, Marty Erlichman, confer during rehearsals.