Next, James Lipton touched on Barbra's biography in the Playbill for her first Broadway show, which stated, “not a member of the Actor's Studio.” He then presented Barbra with a letter from Actor's Studio president Ellen Burstyn, inducting Barbra as a life-long member, and stating, “a grave mistake was made 46 years ago.” Barbra laughed and was touched by the honor.
Another funny moment: Lipton asked about the 3-minute standing ovation on opening night of
I Can Get It for You Wholesale. “You know who led that standing ovation?” Barbra replied, “You?”
The audience laughed, and Lipton continued the running gag of the evening by retorting, “That night I was singing at Bon Soir.”
(Leonard Bernstein led the ovation.)
When the show came back from commercial break, the Funny Girl
film was discussed. In describing the Oscar experience, Barbra said that she picked her transparent dress over an elegant, black, empire-waisted dress with pleats. Lipton showed the clip of Streisand singing “My Man” and she discussed lip-synching and how they refilmed the number live.
Hello Dolly: Barbra admitted she “wasn't right” for the role and was too young.
On A Clear Day You Can See Forever: Barbra remembered her good working relationship with director Vincente Minnelli.
Barbra revealed that the name of her production company, Barwood Films, came from a combination of “Barbra” and the name of the street she lived on in Holmby Hills (Carolwood Drive). James Lipton introduced longtime friend and business partner Cis Corman.
At this point in the interview Barbra asked if people ever got hungry sitting up there for so long! “I haven't gone this long without eating in a long time!” She asked for a Kit Kat bar, a Ritz cracker or something. Lipton said they'd get her a snack. Discussing The Way We Were, Barbra asked Marvin Hamlisch to stand. Lipton showed the telephone scene and Barbra talked about working with Robert Redford.
A Star is Born (1976) received a brief mention. Lipton asked, “What led you to a film that was filmed three times? That was daring.” Barbra replied, with a laugh, “Jon Peters! Who didn't know they were filmed three times before!”
Finally, the snacks arrived. Barbra ate a few Oreos and Kit Kat bars while the interview continued.