Merv Griffin Show 1962

Streisand / Television

Merv Griffin

The Merv Griffin Show (1962)


    • Aired November 5, 1962


    • The Smothers Brothers (comedy folksingers)
    • Jonathan Miller (“Beyond the Fringe” comic)
    • Norma McMillian (actress)
    • Streisand
Merv Griffin's first daytime talk show was on the air from 1962—1963 on NBC — it aired in color.

Not much is known about Streisand's appearance on his show in 1962 — I've never come across any photographs or information, just the television listings in newspapers announcing Streisand as one of the guests.

What makes it more curious is that in his autobiography, Merv Griffin wrote: 

“I now have to make the painful painful admission that we'd turned down Barbra as a guest on 'The Merv Griffin Show’ ...
Merv Griffin on his daytime talk show set, 1962.

End / The Merv Griffin Show 1962
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