My Name is Barbra 1965 TV Special

Streisand / Television

My Name is Barbra (1965)


    • Broadcast on CBS April 28, 1965 and October 20, 1965
    • Directed by: Dwight Hemion
    • Executive Producer: Martin Erlichman
    • Produced by: Richard Lewine
    • Assoc. Producer: Willard Levitas
    • Monologue by: Robert Emmett
    • Production Numbers Conceived by: Joe Layton
    • Asst. Producer: Peggy Lieber
    • Music Arranged & Conducted by: Peter Matz
    • Audio Consultant: Frank Laico
    • Set Designer: Tom John
    • Set Decoration: Bill Harp
    • Hair Styling by: Frederick Glaser
    • Clothes by: Bill Blass and Emeric Partos
    • Hats by: Halston
    • Furs by: Bergdorf's
    • Asst. Conductor: William Goldenberg

    Act One

    My Name is Barbara

    Much More

    I'm Late

    Make Believe

    How Does the Wine Taste?

    Childrens Section:

    I Wish I Were A Kid Again

    I'm Five *

    The Puddle *

    Sweet Zoo

    Where is the Wonder?


    * Music & Lyrics by Milton Schafer

    Act Two

    I've Got the Blues

    Monologue: “Pearl from Istanbul”

    Poverty Medley: Second Hand Rose; Give Me The Simple Life; I Got Plenty of Nothin'; Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?; Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out; Second Hand Rose; The Best Things in Life Are Free

    Act Three

    When the Sun Comes Out

    Why Did I Choose You?

    Lover, Come Back to Me

    Funny Girl Medley: You Are Woman; Don't Rain on My Parade; Music That Makes Me Dance

    My Man

    Happy Days Are Here Again

My Name is Barbra - CBS promo slide

“Barbra Streisand, the delicious, off-beat song stylist, leaped upward in her meteoric and still-rising young career with last night's CBS-TV special. The songs, as always, were hand-picked with great care. They were ballads and novelties arranged with cliché-breaking fastidiousness, wholly taken over by the star, shaped to her dramatic, impish and self-kidding style and belted or whispered from a viable music box as if they were just invented.”

... John Horn, New York Herald Tribune

“I can't believe it's done!” Barbra Streisand exclaimed to the press days before her first television special aired. “It's on tape. I mean, forever. I don't have to do it again.”

After being the guest star on several variety and talk shows, Barbra Streisand was ready for her own network television special. Barbra made news in 1964 when CBS Television announced a ten-year, $5 million deal with the singer to star in several television specials.

With Barbra the only talent in front of the cameras, her manager Marty Erlichman hired a top-notch team to support her behind the scenes. “I was concerned with artistic control only,” Barbra told the press. “I wanted to produce my own shows and now I can and nobody—not sponsors or advertisers or anyone—can interfere. The people like Dick Lewine, Joe Layton, Dwight Hemion and Marty Erlichman—they are on my team. They're for me and what I want to do.”

Streisand further explained: “Joe Layton, who supervised the television show, is a Broadway director, so we prepared for this the way we're both used to preparing for the stage. I hope we've brought a bit of theatre to television. We rehearsed long and hard on staging and choreography, even including the sequence that we taped on location in the Bergdorf Goodman Fifth Avenue store.”

She was working concurrently on Broadway, doing eight shows a week of Funny Girl. Barbra also planned to deliver an album (later, two) to Columbia Records to coincide with the broadcast of the special.
Streisand being taped outside Bergdorf Goodman department store.

Taping “My Name is Barbra”

Streisand and a fur coat at Bergdorf's.


The first segment to be taped for My Name is Barbra was on location at the Bergdorf Goodman department store on Fifth Avenue in Midtown, Manhattan.

“It's funny,” Barbra expressed, “I used to browse through that store before I could afford to buy even a shoe buckle there. Then they turned over the whole store to me.”

Streisand and her team rehearsed for the remote shoot March 8, 9, 11, 12, 15-16 at the Hotel Edison on West 47th Street. They moved to Bergdorf's from March 17th-19th, where camera shots were blocked and choreography was adjusted for the actual department store space. A dress rehearsal took place at Bergdorf Goodman from 11:30 p.m. Friday, March 19th through Saturday morning.

On Sunday, March 21, 1965 (her day off from Funny Girl) Barbra taped the Bergdorf Goodman scenes. Director Dwight Hemion recalled that “because the first floor was lined with mirrors, the segment was a nightmare to light.”

William Klages, who lighted Streisand's locations for the television special, agreed about how hard Bergdorf's was to light. As for lighting Ms. Streisand herself, Klages said she had “absolute breathtaking skin. It lit so easily. ”

Halston and Streisand play with hats. Photo by: Jack Manning; Right: Streisand and Layton rehearse at Hotel Edison.
American fashion designer Halston was retained to create the hats that Streisand wore in the fashion sequences at Bergdorf's department store.

Bergdorf’s resident designer, a Hungarian named Emeric Partos, created several furs for use in the fantasy shopping sequence. He wrapped Barbra in a $15,000 Somali leopard coat with a black leather belt. For “Brother Can You Spare A Dime,” Partos fitted her with white mink knickers. When Barbra stomps on her coat during the finale, she is stomping on Canadian wild mink. “I used to hate mink,” she told the press. “But now I appreciate it for its solidity. I really didn’t like boa scarves as much as they say I did. I like simple elegance, neat.”
Streisand stomps on a mink coat as the video camera records the musical number.
Streisand applies makeup at CBS studio.

CBS Studios 41 & 50

After pre-recording the orchestra at Capitol Records Studio A on March 28, 1965, My Name is Barbra continued videotaping segments at two CBS soundstages in New York the week of April 11th.

Director Dwight Hemion remembered that the segments which were videotaped in the studio were “done without an audience. We rehearsed a little bit, as I recall, in the rehearsal hall. But only rehearsed the music and a little bit of the staging. Then we went into a studio, with the scenery and everything, no audience, and started to tape. [Barbra] sang to tracks. That is, we recorded everything so there was no orchestra there much of the time. She sang to tracks and we taped. We taped each [segment] until we were all enthused about it. Each number — we did each number on tape, never done as a full show. We had as close to perfection as you can get and Barbra, being a perfectionist — even at that time — she wasn’t a director yet, that came later …”

Streisand watches video playback for a scene that was just taped in the CBS soundstage.

Taping at the

Ed Sullivan Theater

CBS Television bought and converted the Hammerstein Theater to what would be known as CBS-TV Studio 50. There, The Ed Sullivan Show and many others would videotape episodes.  In 1993 it was purchased and converted into David Letterman’s home for many years.


For My Name is Barbra, the Ed Sullivan Theater was utilized for the opening segment (‘Much More’), the portion of the show before Bergdorf Goodman’s department store, and for the concert segment.

For those fans in attendance — most were invited by the Streisand fan club —  the taping was presented like a mini-Streisand concert. The baby picture of Barbra, the first shot of the T.V. show, was on the stage, poster-size and sitting on a painter's easel, according to Fred, who attended the taping. Streisand sang ‘Much More’ live for the audience (and cameras).

After that,  a movie screen was lowered and the audience was shown the childhood segment (probably up-converted to film).

Next, Streisand performed the monologue about the button to the live audience. Again, a movie screen was used to show the fans in the audience the Bergdorf Goodman section, which had already been taped on location.

Streisand returned to the stage to lip-synch to “the best things in life are free” and tried to match her movements of beating the drum to the pre-recorded soundtrack.

Christopher, another Streisand fan who was at the taping, recalled: “Synchronizing the kettle drum roll and those few lines of song required take after take after take, and was very frustrating, though it does not show in the finished segment.”

The concert portion of My Name Is Barbra was taped on April 14, 1965.

“The taping for My Name is Barbra was at least 2 hours,” Eric recalled. ”I don't think there could have been more than 200 people, if that much. It certainly was a very enthusiastic audience: literally everyone there could have only been there through a keen interest in Barbra (or their date!) I remember an announcer telling us what we could expect, like telling us what we were about to see on the monitors, and that we should applaud and otherwise react like a good audience.

Christopher also remembered the hard work Streisand and crew put into the show, especially the last, tricky shot:

“‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ was sung live,” he said. “Unfortunately, the placement of the closing credits and breakaway shot required some reworking due to technical reasons. So, the number was sung live over and over and over again, until it was decided that Barbra would be on the far right of the screen, and the triple break-away shot was finally decided upon, etc. By the time the final version of the song was complete—there are some people who will never admit it—but they walked out on Barbra Streisand singing live. I can't be sure, but I'm thinking the song was done perhaps seven times or more, with wait time for playbacks. Here the frustration does show in the final product. Look at her face after the last note!”

Marquee of the Ed Sullivan Theater with

Tom John's drawing of the childhood set.

Emmy Award-winning Set designer Tom John's rendering of the set for the childhood segment of the show, and — below — a photo of Streisand, dressed as a little girl, on the actual set.

Streisand dressed as little girl.
Tom John's surrealist designs for My Name is Barbra.

The Soundtrack Albums

Columbia Records released the My Name is Barbra soundtrack album May 1965. [ORDER FROM AMAZON.COM]

My Name Is Barbra, Two..., its sequel, was released October 1965 to coincide with the rebroadcast of the special on CBS. [ORDER FROM AMAZON.COM]

The Chemstrand Commercial

Barbra filmed a commercial for her first television show.

In the 1960s, it was common practice for a corporation to sponsor a television show. Barbra’s sponsor was Chemstrand, who manufactured fibers which were used in rugs and action-wear. They paid for Barbra’s special and received on-air mention (which was edited out of the home video versions of Barbra’s specials but was included during the actual broadcasts in the 1960’s.)

The commercial was not shown on network TV. Instead, it was a promotional piece meant to be shown internally at Chemstrand. It was probably shown at a Chemstrand convention.

In it, Barbra addressed the camera directly. She was on a set meant to suggest her Funny Girl dressing room. She spoke about her upcoming television special, “The Barbra Streisand Show” then told viewers about how she and husband Elliott Gould had been choosing carpet for their new home. She even rattled off some Chemstrand carpet brand names. They had to re-record some of the dialogue at this point. The tongue-twisting chemical names appeared to have challenged even the nimble-tongued Streisand — “nacrylic fibers” !

At the end of the promo, the camera focused on Barbra’s dressing room door and she declared, “Roll out the carpets.”

Home Video Versions

Streisand as she appears in the home video introduction of MY NAME IS BARBRA.

My Name is Barbra was first released on home video in 1981 by Reel Images. The VHS contained a kinescope of the 1965 television special, complete with commercials. Around the same time, All Star Video also compiled My Name is Barbra onto a VHS tape entitled “The Barbra Streisand Story”—Streisand sued them for $11 million in damages.

It wasn't until 1986 that CBS/Fox officially released the TV special on VHS and laser disc.

Ed Green—the original audio engineer for the special—remastered the home video version. Billboard reported that “there were four of five versions of audio for each show” that Green had to work with. Streisand's manager Marty Erlichman coordinated the release of Color Me Barbra and My Name is Barbra to VHS.

As a bonus on the VHS tape, Streisand filmed an introduction (pictured, above left) to her first television special in which she briefly recalled making it.

It wasn't until almost 20 years later that My Name is Barbra was released on DVD. This time, Rhino Home Video produced a 5-DVD set called Barbra Streisand: The Television Specials which included all five of Streisand's CBS programs. A year later, Rhino released each special as an individual DVD. The Rhino version of My Name is Barbra contained an animated menu and several audio mixes of the sound, as well as Streisand's 1986 filmed introduction.

It should be noted that the 2005 DVD version of My Name is Barbra has been altered. “Lover, Come Back to Me” is an alternate take of the song that was not included on previous VHS and laserdisc versions.

My Name is Barbra debuted on Netflix in 2018 and was streamable for several months.


Barbra Streisand's first television special garnered several awards and nominations.

Emmys Awarded:

  • Outstanding Individual Achievements in Entertainment — Musicians: Peter Matz, Music Director
  • Outstanding Individual Achievements in Entertainment — Actors and Performers: Barbra Streisand
  • Outstanding Individual Achievements in Entertainment — Art Directors and Set Decorator:s Bill Harp (set decorator) Tom H. John (art director)
  • Outstanding Individual Achievements in Entertainment — Choreographers: Joe Layton (choreographer)
  • Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment — Richard Lewine (producer)

Emmy Nomination:

  • Outstanding Individual Achievements in Entertainment - Directors: Dwight Hemion

1966 Directors Guild of America Award:

  • Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Television:My Name Is Barbra , Dwight Hemion

Streisand holding her Emmy award.
My Name is Barbra was also honored by the prestigious Peabody Award in 1965. The “Institutional Award” was presented to NBC and CBS, the networks which aired television specials “in which three of the most talented and popular of our time were given full scope to put on display their manifold talents ... Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra, and Julie Andrews.” 

The Peabody Awards stated that these performers “gave their all in programs that were beautifully planned and impeccably produced. They provided discerning television fans, short-changed in many directions during the past year, with three separate hours of unalloyed delight.”

Interesting Tidbits, Photos —“My Name is Barbra”

Sources Used On This Page:
  • The Archive of American Television — 2008 interview with Dwight Hemion
  • “Fantasy Aisles” By William Norwich, NY Times Magazine, February 24, 2002. LINK.
  • The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Joe Layton papers, Billy Rose Theatre Division.
  • Her Name is Barbra, UPI, April 25, 1965.
End / My Name is Barbra 1965 TV Special
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