The May 26, 1977 “Revised Second Draft” by Parent and Smith needed some work in order to tailor it for Streisand and O’Neal.
At this point, the story was about “Hillary Hartug,” the owner of a dress business, who discovers her business manager skipped town with all her money, leaving her with only two assets: a boxer and a small nursing home for senior citizens. “Kid Natural” was named “John Lewicki” and described as “a wonderful specimen of a man (Paul Newman, Robert Blake, Peter Falk, Steve McQueen)” who was forty-eight years old. There are many jokes about his age in this script, including a whole subplot where Hillary and ex-husband David (a dermatologist) drive around the elderly patients from Hillary’s nursing home. For the last fight, Kid Natural even wears a custom bathrobe that reads “Kid Elderly.” The Kid’s mom has a small role in the screenplay. David and Hillary have a more intimate relationship: they’re still divorced but sleep together and consider re-marrying each other later in the script. The characters of Percy and Donna are basically the same. For the finale, the Kid grabs the boxing ring microphone and admits his love for Hillary, who hides in the back of the auditorium. The film ends with Hillary running to catch the Kid’s plane, only to have the door shut on her. “I never had the chance to tell him I love him.” But the Kid is there waiting for her. “If I was ten years younger I coulda make that plane,” he says. “I got no problems with old people,” she replies. FADE OUT.
When Parent and Smith were re-hired for the movie, they did a quick rewrite before filming began. They injected the script with some of Streisand’s male/female ideas, and tailored it for her – for example, Hillary’s perfume company was called “Le Nez” (“the nose”). Director Howard Zieff also brought 24-year-old Jonathan Kaufer aboard to do rewrites. “Howard and I started out with boyish enthusiasm. We thought we could rewrite the script from the bottom up,” Kaufer said. “But little by little our enthusiasm got chipped away. Only one line from my version remains and is delivered in context, so I can’t really take credit for anything in the film.”
The script drew its conflict from the battle of the sexes. Gail Parent explained that “in order to have a good male-female comedy, they have to be equal.”
Streisand elaborated, “What is exciting is not for one person to be stronger than the other, not for the man to be stronger than the woman, and not for the woman to be stronger than the man, but for two people to have met their match. And yet, they are equally as stubborn, as obstinate, as passionate, as crazy as the other.”
The only problem was that the screenplay was not ready when the filming began. “We used to have lunches and work on the script,” Barbra confessed.
“We would literally be writing up until midnight the night before we were going to shoot the scene,” Smith stated, “and we'd show up on the set with new pages and then they'd shoot it.”
For example, when the crew arrived at Big Bear Lake for the training scenes, the writers retooled the dialogue to accommodate the unseasonal snow. In the script, Hillary says she can “smell snow,” which wouldn’t have made sense because the location already had snow on the ground.
Even the shooting script contained a different ending for the picture. “We didn’t have a good ending to it,” Streisand stated. “So I always encouraged everybody working on the set to be free to have ideas and come to me with them.”
Andrew Smith and Gail Parent, the screenwriters.