Barbra Streisand explained why lies drive her crazy: “I was lied to as a child. That’s why I’m so passionate about lies and people who lie. As an actress, or a singer, what you depend upon is truth. Truth communicates. But truth eventually wins out, don’t you think?”
Websites kept track of the lies President Trump told, and in July 2020 — into his fourth year as president — the media had logged over 20,000 lies. “I thought to myself, how does someone who lies that much sleep at night?” Streisand said. “I mean, where is the guilt? You know, well, he’s not Jewish. But he must have a guilty conscience somewhere, but he doesn’t.”
She also clarified that, in “Don’t Lie To Me” — “I’m not singing to him; I’m singing about him. And, actually, if you listen to the lyrics at first, you don’t know who I’m singing to. It could be a relationship song. An argument. A breakup in a marriage. Why do you lie to me? I’ve never responded to lies. Lies get me crazy. So, that’s a big motivation for me writing that song.”
The dance mix of “Don't Lie to Me” (by Dave Aude) even charted well on the Billboard Dance chart! After debuting October 20, 2018, it peaked at #8, although it fell back to #18 on the January 26, 2019 chart.
Songwriter Desmond Child (Bon Jovi's “Livin' On A Prayer” and Cher's “Just Like Jesse James”) wrote specifically with Streisand in mind. “It's been one of my life's ambitions to have a song of mine recorded by Barbra Streisand,” he confessed. “I was asked to write a song for this record by Jay Landers who is her musical supervisor. I spent a day with him listening to all of her songs. And then I procrastinated for about three weeks, and then he texted me and said you have two days to turn the song in. I wrote it in an hour. We turned it around so fast, and she loved it. The most impressive thing about her is her energy and her intellect, along with her passion, which sets her above everybody because she has everything going for her on all cylinders.”
Child and Streisand rehearsed the song for one day before recording it. “Yes,” he said, “and she wore me out. When she got to the studio a couple of days later, she was so prepared. She was living the song. She just did a couple of takes and she was done.”
“I felt so patriotic,” Streisand said about ‘Lady Liberty’. “I love America. It was wonderful to try to sing that song. That had a lot of high notes.”