Here’s the original version’s lyrics:
FANNY (in bed)
I'm Sadie, Sadie, married lady,
See what's on my hand,
There's nothing quite as touching
As a simple wedding band.
Oh, how that marriage license works
On chambermaids and hotel clerks.
The honeymoon was such delight
That we got married that same night.
I'm Sadie, Sadie, married lady,
Still in bed by noon
Racking my brains deciding
Between orange juice and prune.
Nick says Nothing is too good for me,
And who am I not to agree?
I'm Sadie, Sadie, married lady, that's me!
As she gets up, starts writing a post card, NICK, in a robe and ascot, comes out of the bathroom.
Sending out the news?
Starting with the person most concerned.
123. CUT TO: POST CARD - Mrs. Strakosh, puzzled, is showing the post card of the bearded Captain to Mrs. Brice, Mrs. Meeker, and Mrs. O'Malley.
What kind of a rabbi wears a uniform?
124. CUT TO: POST CARD - Monte Carlo. Angle widens to reveal KEENEY AND EDDIE looking at it:
FANNY (on track)
Hello from Monte Carlo
Where we gave the wheel a try
Good luck not only kissed us
But it spit right in our eye.
125. CUT TO: POST CARD - TOWER OF LONDON. Angle widens to reveal ZIEGFELD reading the card.
FANNY (on track)
Nick’s prospects haven't been too bright
So I'll play London one fortnight.
I adore the Palladium
Simply mad for the British
And did you know, chum, the king is really Yiddish
126. CUT TO: POST CARD - EPSOM DOWNS. Angle widens we see GEORGIA AND VERA in dressing room, looking at postcard
FANNY (on track)
At Epsom Downs Nick really clicked
The money filled a sack
I can’t, of course, forgive the horse
What he did on the track!
127. CUT TO: POST CARD - ANNE HATHAWAY’S COTTAGE. Eddie reading it to Mrs. Brice in her kitchen.
“Nick's putting his Epson Downs fortune into something like this — but on Long Island, so we'll be closer to mama's chicken soup.”
FANNY (on track)
We're sailing home,
So Rosie, dear,
Bring chicken soup down to the pier
I’m Sadie, Sadie, married lady
That's me!